Few questions...

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Got a few questions about the game after reading what I could on Kong, Kickstarter, and here. Would this section be the best place to post them? the idea and artwork.
Hello! Thank you for your interest in the game!

Yes, this is a fine place to post your questions
Connor Brennan
Fractal Entertainment
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Disclaimer.. Questions are based off a tainted MMO mind-frame. :P

How connected are the modes of play? By that I mean, Sidequest will be two games in one... Will the lvls and weapons (well all inventory) earned from the single player aspect transfer over to the MMO or endgame aspect and vice versa. So... if I'm having trouble in a section of the single player game, I can switch over to MMO and run some quests with guildies, pack on a few lvls, and go back to single player mode stronger and more able to take on the battle again..

You mention several things are in place to insure cash transactions won't unbalance the endgame... I'm an admitted cash player (unless you talk to my wife in which case I've never spent a dime). I would much rather shell out real $ for multivolts and purchase the weapon I want than spend hours or days attempting to loot a better weapon. Please tell me this will still be an option.. Guess that's not a question.

On a side note.. I'm looking forward to designing my own weapon! :) Best incentive ever! lol
Good questions!

The single player and social aspects will certainly be interconnected. In general, the best gear will always come from dungeons (and in general, the 3-man version of dungeons will be the more efficient way to get gear). This means that you can (to some extent) rely on your guildies to help get you some nice phat loot to help you clear the single-player experience! Gears, level and raw awesomeness are shared through all the modes!

The item mall is always an incredibly tricky thing to balance for designers. On one hand, we like being able to eat, but on the other hand, we don't want our baby to turn into a lumbering cash abomination. SideQuest's stance on the item mall is that while pay players will certainly have an advantage (time is money and all that), nothing (other than vanity items) will be exclusive to the shop, and it will all be open to trading. However, the best items in the game will never come from the shop - don't fret however! A large part of SideQuest's customization process comes from a system called Refinement. This system allows you to take an item that you get from a boss fight, and add more power, and even new stats to it. In each level of refinement has a chance of failure, and pay points go a long way in increasing your success rate.

So, in short, while we are advocates of having to "earn" your gear, pay points will make that process go a lot faster.

If you have any concerns don't hesitate to ask, we'll try to address them the best we can!

And yes, custom weapons for the win!
Connor Brennan
Fractal Entertainment
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